
...Where is life carrying us ? ...

...What is this all about ? ...

...Is it carrying us toward extinction, so that the rest of Nature 

can heave an enormous sigh of relief 

and then get back to the business of nest-building, mating flights 

and overposturing, and whatever it 

is that they’re doing out there ? ...

... or is it carrying us toward some kind of a transition ? ...

...It’s as though Nature is saying, 

'We are willing to place the entire planetary ecology in danger for 

50,000 years in order for the opportunity to be explored of language-using, 


intelligence carrying all of life to the next level'... 

...And it’s a terrifying enterprise, because apparently to carry life to the next level, tremendous 

intellectual sophistication is required about the release and control of energy... 

...The problem is, energy can be used to destroy as well as build... 

...So as the human enterprise has moved toward greater and greater power, 

and ability to manipulate the environment, 

the stakes in the cosmic game have risen... 

...And now what we have is approximately $100 billion sitting in the centre of the crap table,

 and one roll of the dice more and we’re going to either win it or lose everything... 

...Because intelligence, if we fail, will never again reach the kind of levels on this planet that

we have reached...

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