
...Modern man is under terrific psychological pressure... 

...He must, therefore, exercise greater watchfulness over personal conduct... 

...We cannot afford to waste resources which are difficult, if not impossible to replace... 

...Why should we build ourselves up physically with vitamins, minerals, and innumerable modern

 remedies only to tear ourselves down by destructive outbursts of emotions...

...If we want to live long and remain useful, we must live well 

and develop a reasonable degree of patience... 

...There are too many instances in which an outburst of temper has been followed 

by a serious and even fatal physical reaction... 

...The reward of a good disposition is a good life... 

...Perhaps the love of our families and the respect of our friends are worth self-control...

Excerpt from “Ten Basic Rules for Better Living” 
© 1998 The Philosophical Research Society

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