
...But as Lao Tzu said : ...

...When the superior man hears of the Tao , he does his best to practice it...

...When the middling man hears of the Tao , he sometimes keeps it , and sometimes loses it...

...When the inferior man hears of the Tao , he will laugh aloud at it...

...If he did not laugh it would not be the Tao...

...For it is really impossible to appreciate what is meant by the Tao without becoming... a rather special sense , stupid... 

...So long as the conscious intellect is frantically trying to... 

...cluch the world in its net of abstractions... 

...and to insist that life be bound and fitted to its rigid categories... 

...the mood of Taoism will remain incomprehensible... 

...and the intellect will wear itself out...

...The Tao is accessible only to the mind which can practice the simple and subtle art of Wu wei... 

...which, after the Tao , is the second important principle of Taoism...

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