

...Business as usual is no longer an option... 

...There is no middle way... 

...It's a world where people of privilege defend that privilege... 

...with tremendous establishments of armament and propaganda... 

...and the rest of the world slips into poverty , starvation , desperation , and death... 

...This is the kind of world that rationalists fear...

...and it's also the only kind of world they can imagine... 

...because they are bankrupt of inspiration and ideas... 

...So the entire effort of the Establishment has become one of holding down panic...

...keeping the ball in play , keeping ordinary people and ordinary populations quiescent... 

...through drugs which are not psychedelic , through forms of media which are not transcendental... 

...and inspiring , but which are narcoleptic and deadening... 

...This is the fiction that we live in...

...This is why our situation feels so schizophrenic... 

- Terence McKenna -

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